Author name: Brent Sodtke

SQL Job Commander – my newest software project

The title pretty much nails it. This new undertaking, SQL Job Commander, will be very much in line with my my current offering, SQL Agent Insights, but less ambitious, at least initially 😉 Just wanted to blog this for visibility and search purpose reasons. Definitely more to come in the future. Cheers.

SQL Agent Insights 0.29 release notes

This release of SQL Agent Insights focused on proxies, namely creating, deleting and modifying them. Previous versions just showed the data, but with this release, all of your proxy requirements are met directly within SQL Agent Insights. As with every release, enjoy, and if you have any comments/questions, feel free to reach out here. Below …

SQL Agent Insights 0.29 release notes Read More »

The last six months and the future of SQL Agent Insight

Hi Everyone. It’s been some time since I’ve written a blog post, and I haven’t released a newer version of SQL Agent Insight since February; the life outside of my day job (Senior Data Architect) and my hobbies has been a busy one for the family and myself. The past six months can be summarized …

The last six months and the future of SQL Agent Insight Read More »

T-SQL script showing why SQL Server operators may not receive notifications

Problem: One or more of your operators are not getting notifications from SQL Server agent alerts or jobs. Solution: This could be for a number of reasons, but more than likely it is because an operator or alert is disabled, or both. Let’s use the query below and determine what is causing the underlying problem …

T-SQL script showing why SQL Server operators may not receive notifications Read More »

Identify SQL Server agent jobs that do not run all steps

Problem: Sometimes SQL Server agent jobs do not work as expected due to either syntax or logical errors. In this blog post, I attempt to show you how to identify SQL Server agent jobs that do not provide the desired outcome as a result of logic errors, that is, jobs in which some steps ‘on …

Identify SQL Server agent jobs that do not run all steps Read More »

Script to show SQL Server agent jobs that automatically delete

Problem: There you are on a Monday morning being a good DBA and checking into your SQL agent estate and verifying that jobs ran as expected. You check your e-mail inbox and notice the alert that a particular job failed, so what do you do? Most of us will open SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio), …

Script to show SQL Server agent jobs that automatically delete Read More »